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The demand for sparkling water is higher than ever

Posted On: 31/01/20 Posted by: Sidrah Ahmad

As people look to satisfy their thirst for fizzy drinks, healthier options have experienced a boost, particularly sparkling water popularity. Across Ireland, 70% fewer teenagers aged between 11-15 are drinking sugary soda in a shift that could be a signal of what’s to come, highlighting how consumers are turning their back on sugar-laden pop in search of healthier, lower-sugar alternatives. That’s not to say refreshing sparkling beverages are now entirely out the question. Consumers across the world are turning to flavoured sparkling water as the low-sugar substitute to highly sweetened soda, with one-third of consumers drinking a fruity fizzy water in the last three months: the figure is close to 50% for consumers aged 16-35.

Consumers in Ireland are increasingly aware of personal wellness

Consumers prefer products that offer hydrating benefits alongside a naturally healthy kick, with sustainability an equal factor in decisions around what to drink. Today’s shoppers prize brand values and business integrity as highly as the products themselves, with 41% of Irish consumers willing to pay a premium for more sustainable brands.

The trend has had a positive impact on global sparkling water sales

These evolving consumer preferences have been great news for fizzy water brands the world over. The global flavoured water market topped €8.5 billion in 2018, increasing over €3.5 billion in just five years. Interestingly, the preference for sparkling water is as visible in venues as it is on the street. To capitalise on the shifting preferences, big brands are jumping on the versatility offered by plain carbonated water. Brands are using sparkling water both to create drinks that pair with foods, as well as mixing it into cocktails, to deliver the ultimate dining experience.

The benefits of sparkling water for venue operators

Stay on trend

Every venue needs to find similar alternative offerings if restaurants are to stay ahead of the competition. Our affordable, high-performance dispensers allow servers to fill Purezza-branded bottles with premium-quality sparkling water in the venue itself, saving time, money, and single-use packaging.

Maintain drinks sales volumes

Venues need to track consumer preferences if they’re to sell any sparkling beverages at all. People are drinking less Coke and Pepsi than ever before, illustrating how consumers are moving away from sugary soft drinks. In their place, patrons want healthier alternatives that also hydrate, with consumption of flavoured and unflavoured water drinks rising by 4% in 2018.

How are venues putting sparkling water to use?

Mixologists are turning to sparkling water to produce low-sugar, no-alcohol alternatives to traditional cocktails and mocktails that deliver on the flavour front. Irish start-ups have even started to produce alcoholic ‘hard seltzer’ — naturally low-alcohol, fruit-infused sparkling water — as a healthier alternative to the typical alcopop. In the US, sales of hard seltzer grew 200% in 2018. Now, Irish companies are hoping to replicate the success of their American counterparts.

Some venues worry about using pre-packaged water owing to the waste it creates, with plastic in the ocean one of the major concerns of the 21st century. The Restaurants Association of Ireland has been urging those in the hospitality sector to phase out the use of single-use plastic items entirely. If bar staff use ready-to-drink sparkling water options, they can not only deliver on consumers’ beverage desires but also minimise plastic waste as well. Moreover, it’s simpler for staff to pour from an on-demand tap, as opposed to carbonating water in-house, which can be time-consuming and deliver inconsistent results.

Purezza is perfect for meeting the sparkling water demand

Purezza helps venues across the world profit from a booming market by delivering unlimited, great-tasting sparkling water on-tap via a modern alternative to pre-packaged bottled water.

Purezza has a range of dispensing systems tailored to businesses of all types with sizes and outputs to suit every space. That means you can rely on the cost-effective Purezza system to be the foundation for an eclectic array of drinks recipes, both quenching customer thirst while boosting your venue’s bottom line. Better still, Purezza is committed to creating long-term value for everyone by offering a sustainable water solution. Our affordable, high-performance dispensers allow servers to fill Purezza-branded bottles with premium-quality sparkling water in the venue itself, saving time, money, and single-use packaging.

Thanks to Purezza’s unique setup, we believe we can remove upwards of 30 million single-use bottles from the global hospitality supply chain per year, helping the hospitality industry become more sustainable as a whole — and we know that’s a mission your customers will be proud to support.

If you’re looking for a low-cost, premium-quality solution for serving sparkling water in your venue, contact Purezza today.